What You Need to Know about Video Interviews
Companies usually have a hard time when it comes to doing live interviews most especially if they are interviewing many people in one day. Nowadays companies are setting up an application whereby they can do video interviews and the good thing is that the application has really helped so many companies. So many companies are choosing video interviews instead of one on one interviews, and this has been made a lot more easier thanks to the development in technology. When it comes to video interviews they are actually quite easier compared to phone call interviews, and it is important for people to do a thorough research in order for them to know how they should prepare themselves for such an interview. During such interviews someone can be able to see their interviewer well, therefore, it is easier for them to be able to read any non-verbal cues. Someone should ensure that they conduct themselves professionally during the whole interview as this is important. When it comes to video interviews a person can take the interview where ever they are thus saving money and effort that they would have used in going all the way to the company’s offices for the interview.
The video interviews also help companies because as they ease up the job as they don’t have to bring in dozens of candidates for in person interviews. One on one interviews should mainly be for candidates that you feel you will like to interview them personally so that you can get to know them in a better way and if you use a video interview first you will be able to identify candidates that are more qualified for such an interview. You can be able to record the interview questions that will be used for the interview at your own time thanks to technology as it has made things a lot more easier. The interviewer needs to create only one video which will be used by all candidates thus making things a lot easier for them because one video is enough for such an interview. The interviewers will then be able to answer the questions that you have asked at their free time with no pressure. Most of the interviews usually take two minutes, and as soon as a candidate sends you the video it is up to you to choose when you can go through the videos and then when you are done, it is important for you to choose someone that has answered the question well and you are certain that they deserve the position.